TEA conducts cyclical reviews of all districts in Texas.
A component of the cyclical monitoring process is to gather stakeholder feedback about the district, both internal and external, on the provision of special education instruction and related services.
The survey is anonymous and will help support Center ISD by gathering information from all stakeholders.
will utilize the information to further develop support and resources for the district.
Information needed as part of the survey:
First Question: LEA Name: Center ISD; Region number: 7
All surveys are due to TEA on 4/1/2025. The link to complete the survey is included in the letter below.
The Office of Special Services sincerely appreciates your help and support.
Carey Agnew
Director of Special Services
Educational Diagnostician
P.O. Drawer 1689
Center, TX 75935
936-598-1600, ext. 2701